Confessions of a sleep-deprived mom

My emotional pendulum swings two very different ways. There are moments when I am scrubbing bodily fluid (not my own) out of the carpet while my toddler unrolls an entire roll of toilet paper at the same time my baby is making his way to the nearest outlet to chew on some cords. I then realize we are out of coffee and I think to myself, this must be how I die. Then the very next moment, I witness that same toddler intentionally distracting the baby from the outlet with her favorite toy, "here big guy, eets fo' youuuu." Then I think, I WANT THIRTY-SEVEN MORE OF YOU..

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One Of Those Moms

Before I had kids, I was the 'perfect' mom. Weren't we all? There were so many things I swore I'd never do. I was that young girl, by myself at the store, quietly judging the mom whose kid was nose deep in an iPAD. If I have learned anything from being a momma, it's that you can never judge another momma's situation. What works for you and your family, is what's best for you and nothing else matters. Plain and simple. 

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